
Step by Step Guide How to Install Dynamics AX2012 Enterprise Portal

Imparted from here
This is the second post in the series of installing Dynamics AX2012 Components. This post will talk about installing Dynamics AX2012 Enterprise Portal.
The basic pre-requisite for Installing Enterprise Portal is SharePoint 2010 Foundation / SharePoint 2010 Server
Since this is sandpit/training box, I would be just installing SharePoint Foundation 2010.
i. Install the SharePoint 2010 Pre-Requisites shown below

ii. Pre-Requisites Installed Successfully

iii. Now, start with the Foundation Installation

iv. Run the SharePoint Configuration Wizard

v. After all the tasks are completed successfully, you are welcomed to the SharePoint Team site

Installing Dynamics AX2012 Enterprise Portal

i. Now, let's go ahead and install Enterprise Portal Component. Run the setup and click Next

ii. Check the Pre-Requisite Validation runs fine and then move next

iii. Enter the .Net BC Connector Information

iv. Configure the website, I just left the defaults as it is and moved next

v. Move next with the installation

vi. Encountered an error at this step

Looked at the error log file which came up, and found the below logs:

Error: Windows cannot find the local profile and is logging you on with a temporary profile. Changes you make to this profile will be lost when you log off.

Installation completed successfully, but Setup could not create the Enterprise Portal website. You can create the website by running Setup and installing Enterprise Portal again. You can also manually create a website using SharePoint Central Administration.

An error occurred during setup of Enterprise Portal (EP).

Registering tracing manifest file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\Common\TraceProviderCrimson.man"

WEvtUtil.exe install-manifest "C:\Users\itadmin.PASPALEY\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpA5A1.tmp

**** Warning: Publisher {8e410b1f-eb34-4417-be16-478a22c98916} is installed on


Didn't spent much time on troubleshooting this one as I have seen this error of logging with temporary profile before, but not with EP. The simplest solution which worked for me was to restart the box , login back and run the Enterprise Portal Setup again and that fixed the issue.

Finally, the Role center page arrives :-)... I can recall my pervious experience with  Dynamics AX 4.0 and 2009 version, never I was able to install MOSS and Enterprise Portal at the first go successfully without too many hiccups.

Additional Tip/Note -

Installation of Sharepoint Foundation 2010 Creates a new SQL Server named instance for e.g. In this case TEST-DEMOAX2012/Sharepoint where all sharepoint related databases can be found

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