
How to Add Data to Dynamics AX

You can add data to Microsoft Dynamics AX. You can also modify data when you import and export the data.

Use the Table browser form to update data in individual tables. To access the form, right-click a table, click Add-Ins, and then click Table browser.

Add Data

  1. Create a definition group by doing the following:

    1. Click Administration > Periodic > Data export/import > Definitions groups.

    2. Press CTRL+N.

    3. In the General tab, type an unique name for the definition group in the Definition group text box.

    4. Select the type of definition group in the Type list box.

    5. Select additional options as needed, and then click OK.

  2. If you selected Custom or Excel in step 1d, click Table setup to select the tables that you want to include in the definition group and to specify import and export options.


    If you selected Standard in step 1d, click Table setup to specify whether notes and criteria for limiting data export are included in the definition group.

  3. In the Table setup form, click Field setup to specify which table fields you want to import data into or export data from.

  4. Close the Fields form and the Table setup form.

  5. Export the data by clicking Export. For more information, see "Export standard data" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

  6. Import the data by clicking Import. For more information, see "Importing data" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Modify Data During Import and Export

  1. Create a class that extends the SysDataTableCtrl class, as shown in the following example.

    public class SysDataTableCtrl_Address extends SysDataTableCtrl

  2. Override the SysDataTableCtrl.mustCtrlExport and SysDataTableCtrl.mustCtrlImport methods to return true, as shown in the following example.

    public boolean mustCtrlExport()


    return true;


  3. Override other methods as needed.

  4. Add the class you created in step 1 to the SysDataTableCtrl::construct method, as shown in the following example.

    client server static SysDataTableCtrl construct(DictTable dt)
    switch (dt.id())
    case tablenum(UserInfo):
    return new SysDataTableCtrl_UserInfo(dt);
    case tablenum(SysUserInfo):
    return new SysDataTableCtrl_SysUserInfo(dt);
    case tablenum(Address):
    return new SysDataTableCtrl_Address(dt);

    return new SysDataTableCtrl(dt);

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