
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Facility Management Sample - Home

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Facility Management Sample - Home:

Resource Page Description
The Facility Management sample application for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 provides an example of how to implement common functionality in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Use it to learn about how to implement your own module or integrating application.

The Facility Management sample is intended for developers who want to see an example of the types of integrations they can create for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. Basic knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 is assumed.

Issue Tracking
Readers are invited to submit issues and suggestions using the Issue Tracker. When reporting an issue, please provide as much information as possible that describes the problem.

Other Resources
To learn more about developing integrations for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, please refer to the Microsoft Dynamics AX Developer Center:http://msdn.microsoft.com/dynamics/ax

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