
Walkthrough: Displaying KPIs in a Role Center [AX 2012]

You can display the KPIs that you created in a web part on your role center page in Microsoft Dynamics AX or Enterprise Portal.

The following procedure explains how to add the Sales Analysis KPI to a web part in the CEO Role Center page.

To display the KPIs in a Business Overview Web part
  1. Navigate to the CEO role center that is located at http://<server>/sites/DynamicsAx/Enterprise%20Portal/RoleCenterCEO.aspx.

  2. On the Site Actions menu, click Edit Page. Locate the Middle Column section, and then click Add Web Part

  3. In the Categories list, click Microsoft Dynamics AX. In the Web Parts list, select Business overview, and then click Add.

  4. On the drop-down menu for the web part, click Edit Web Part. The properties for the web part are displayed.

  5. For the Select mode property, select KPI List.

  6. Expand the Business Overview Setup node.


    The Business Overview web part points to the default Dynamics AX Analysis Services database. You can use any KPIs that ship with Microsoft Dynamics AX and any KPIs that you add to that database. If you create another database, you must create an Office Data Connection (ODC) file that points to that database. You then must specify the location of the ODC file in Data Connection.

  7. For the Title property, type Sales KPIs. Click OK to save the changes.

  8. In the Sales KPIs web part, click Add KPIs.

  9. In the Business Overview - Add KPI dialog box, select the Sales Analysis cube, select the Customer sales KPI, select Amount for the Display value as field, and then click OK.


    If you created a new Analysis Services database that has only the SalesAnalysis cube, you do not need to select a cube in the Business Overview - Add KPI dialog box.

  10. Click Stop Editing to save the changes made to the page.

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